The Senior Pastor and the entire church would like to
Take This Opportunity to thank God and the Heavenly Embassy Church Members, and friends who have been a force to reckon with. And
we would like to thank also our face book friends who has been a blessing to
us, You know how they say that best friends are usually most like each
other, have the same interests, think the same way, embody the idea of “Birds
of the same feather, flock together”? We’ve found so many reasons to thank you
and appreciate you. Thank you for being a good friend of us, we love you so
much and we pray for you every day, We are so
very grateful, be abundantly blessed and keep visiting our web site and
face book (If You Are Not Yet Added Us On
Face Book Please Do Add Us) other wise continue to check out all the
areas of our ministry that can help, inspire and encourage you. For it is ideally yours and we pray that you
prosper in ALL as your soul prospers and be in health in Jesus’ name.
And Think About This If
You’re Not Yet Accepted Jesus Christ As Your Saviour
pray the following prayer: Dear God, I admit that I am a sinner and I have sinned against
you. I believe that You sent Jesus, Your Son to die on the cross for my
sins. And You raised him from the dead again back to life, so that I might have
eternal life. I turn now from my sins and ask your forgiveness and write my
names in the book of life. Please come into my life and I accept Jesus as my
Saviour and Lord. Amen
You can contact
us for more of what you have to do now.