


‘‘A Place Where People Reconciled With God And The Hopeless Get Hope’’ (2 CORTH 5:18-20)   



More and more testimonies continue to pour in because the message of the reconciliation and hope is being preached and heard. Restoration, healing and deliverance is taking place, but more importantly, souls are being saved and orphan children are being cared for.


For our Lord beckons, “who shall I send?  Both you and us can be sent by teaming up and  pooling our resources together through partnership.

# Is the most power full relationship on the face of the earth in that the power  Of God and the anointing flows among us in its greatest way than Individually   
 #It Allow each of us to join together in anointing and gifts to do the greater work of our Lord.
So we humbly request you to partner today with this ministry so that we may preach more the Gospel of hope and to reconcile people with God. Being a partner with this ministry guarantees your being a partaker of the rewards together with all the other “labourers in the Lord’s vineyard”. No doubt, He’ll bless you, If only you are willing and obedient to His voice, " if you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land" Isaiah1:19 (KJV). When you give to this ministry, we see that your gift helps HEC ministries to spreads the Gospel to those who know Him and who do not know him yet, as He commissioned “…go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15. HEC only desires that God’s created image (humanity) shall at all costs be in the Savior’s loving arms and nothing is impossible when we are combined together in partnership and your seed can PREACH and SAVE SOULS for Christ where you can't REACH. Remember “Working together in unity is also the power to accomplish every God’s plan to us and the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ ".

For more of how to you can send us your seed, visit Donations Page.